Lesson StructureLessons are conducted 4 days per week, Monday - Thursday. Each survival swim lesson is approximately 8-12 minutes in length and custom tailored to meet the physical, emotional and developmental readiness of each child. The duration of each lesson will be determined by the instructor and is based on a number of factors including age, ability, fatigue and physiological health.
Please Note: All lessons are have a performance based exit and not a time based exit. No two children are exactly alike therefore; no two lessons are conducted exactly alike. A periodic maintenance schedule is recommended to preserve and strengthen skills as your child grows. To learn more about what skills your child can learn, please visit the Lessons Page |
2022 Swim Season-
Morning Lessons ONLY
Session 1 - April 4 - May 13
Location and Times to be announced soon
Location and Times to be announced soon
Interested in Hosting Lessons at your location?

Unless otherwise discussed, please plan on 4-6 weeks of lessons for your child.
PLEASE NOTE: Student lessons will not begin until the student previously in a given time slot has completed his/her lessons. Safety is our priority and I will not conclude a child's lessons until I believe his/her skills are complete. Please e-mail me to confirm your start date the week prior to anticipated start date. I will let you know if the child in that time slot needs a little extra time.
When you register, you will request your preferred time within the block at the location of your choice. We will contact you in the order that registrations were received to schedule lessons. If you have more than one child, your children will be scheduled for back to back time slots. We will do our best to accommodate any conflicts that may arise. We look forward to working with you.
PLEASE NOTE: Student lessons will not begin until the student previously in a given time slot has completed his/her lessons. Safety is our priority and I will not conclude a child's lessons until I believe his/her skills are complete. Please e-mail me to confirm your start date the week prior to anticipated start date. I will let you know if the child in that time slot needs a little extra time.
When you register, you will request your preferred time within the block at the location of your choice. We will contact you in the order that registrations were received to schedule lessons. If you have more than one child, your children will be scheduled for back to back time slots. We will do our best to accommodate any conflicts that may arise. We look forward to working with you.